Thursday, June 26, 2008
Today I gain more knowledge and erm...kind of worried about my life after that.
I did some testing programs for classfication machine today. When I was still in uni, C++ programming then come to robotic programming...all not my cup of tea!! I'll escape from programs when I have chance but not this time. Goshhhhh!! The program for testing machine is not that hard, just the theory behind it makes me dizzy! Thanks to my poor electronic fundamentals, now I have to work hard on it... the only word I familiar with the machine is "counter"!! I learned it in robotic in my last sem. Besides that, nothing in that automatic classification machine appeared in my mind b4...
My professional little boss use sometime to explain basic knowledge of product to me. And, in the same time, I have to remember all the testing stuff. And, he keep remind me that I have to figure out how to improve the process which is the main responsibility as process engineer...sien!! Then, he asked me to come to company on this weekend for machine relocation and sorting confirmation stuff...I have no idea what's all that about. It just...this is my first week leh, give face la!! haih...very cruel!!
life is getting tougher!! much much tougher if compared to my training time...that time I only have to deal with paper and supplier. Now not only hv to deal with paper, but operators, other engineers, machines, programs, defectssss...I need some fresh air!!arghhhh...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Engineer is back
It has been 3 days from my first day, I decided to share here what I've been thru, jz like during my training. In this early stage, I still can breathe and have time to write blog, I must really appreciate it!! You know la, japanese company, no OT means no working life!? ridiculous!! but I have to accept it...
1st day
on very 1st day, I reporting to HR at 8.15am, 5 minutes late from the time I supposed to be there! I'm late ... but guess wat? HR even nearly forget I should show up today. sien! But they have alredy prepared la. Whole day I was sitting there with operators (all malay and indian gals) listen to talk about safety, ergonomics, security and bla blah blah...finally, I have been "sent" to my little boss, who is the engineer I am reporting to during this 6 months. He is a super hardworking engineer and passion for his job. I hope I can be like him, but the other side of me told me not to!! In the very last minute of the day, he still took me to production line and briefly told me what product type they have.
2nd day
In early morning, my little boss straightly brought me to production line and explain more about each machine. Then, he introduced me, again, to many ppl that I can't even match their name to their face...I have raw idea what I'm responsible for as a process engineer. Basically, process engineer is dealing with yield problem and have to do analysis if there are defects on product. After lunch, he assign me to do yield report for each product type in june. At first, I was like...ok ok...then, after doing that for an hour, I was...damn it!! The data was ...huge huge numbers of data!! My eyes almost pop out!! But, that's what I'm going to do every week!! In the end day, I only successfully finish report for one product...
3rd day
Luckily, my little boss don't ask me to continue doing report. And, another luckily, he is going to another branch for meeting today and will take leave after that. It means he won't be around for whole day!! I'm so relief!! He jz throw a word to me: Go to read all those details about manufacturing spec and many many things. In the morning, I spent all my time in production line to find out all machines. After lunch, I continue to reading the specification. I afraid he will test me tomoro...but bo bien...after reading and chatting and nearly sleeping, I don't understand at all...I need some proper training actually. Now still considered as "honey moon", so I must enjoy it. Later I will have the real "taste" being a real many engineers told me here.
That's all so far...I will keep updating here...if I have time. I must tell that uni time really nice to remembered...I miss the time that I can sleep late and skip class and have supper and...many many things that I can do when I was student. Now no more!! so tired...even not doing anything required physically task...Bless me!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
泰国之行 - 完结篇

泰国之行 - I Love Bangkok

短短的水上市场之旅很快就结束了。接下来就去看老虎啊,鸟啊,还有战士邦。。。非常典型的旅行团旅游地。。。天气是热到不行!!傍晚时分,我们到Suam Lam Night Market逛。不过因为还早,档口刚刚才开始营业。我们走了一阵子,就去超大的小贩中心吃晚餐。那时候品尝了继泰国McD的Samurai Pork Burger后,比较好吃的泰国食物 - tom yam kung!!是贵了一点,不过在我要求下,老板炮制了一碗加辣的东炎汤给我,超棒!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008
泰国之行 - 玩尽海陆空@芭堤雅

40分钟后,我们到了在巴堤雅入住的Century Hotel。比想像中差了一点,也旧了一些,不过房间的空间蛮大的。因为我们是最后一班抵达的,所以在短短的休息和梳洗后,我们就到酒店的餐馆吃晚餐。中华菜色,没什么特别。晚餐后,我们分两批人,一批去看人妖show,另一批去看真人show。我看了真人show。。。erm。。。看了后,心情很复杂,觉得好像看了一场特技show,那些女孩各个身怀绝技,一场又一场的表演让观众又惊讶又可怜那些女孩。不过,这些就是泰国的特色,这里的旅游业如此蓬勃,这些成人show贡献了不少。
这次旅程终于开始了。。。第二天8am,我们就出发了!!我们先乘船在一个浮台玩拖曳伞,就是那种伞,speed boat拖你飞上天那种。。。因为在大马玩很贵一下,难得来到这里,又包括在配套里,当然玩啦!!超级幸运的我,一到那里,头脑还有点晕晕,思绪还未定下来(因为那里真的很多游客在玩,一次有几十个伞在那里飞来飞去,我在怀疑会不会撞在一起?我们还在讨论可不可以像the kite runner那样,割断其他人的线,一决胜负,无聊!)。。。我很快就被负责人拉去,她在我手掌上做记号,就叫我去排队了。。。我是我们一群人的lucky number one!!yeah...



Thursday, June 19, 2008
泰国之行 - 出发篇

2008年5月19日,早上10点。我们从KL Sentral乘坐 sky bus到 LCCT 机场。这是我第一次到LCCT,也是第一次乘坐 Air Asia的班机。去机场的一路上,人烟少到吓人,地广人稀是非常贴切的形容词。进入LCCT后,我很惊讶,因为以一个机场的角度来看,那里真的很小。仔细一点看的话,那里比较像货舱。
办完登机手续后,我们决定先用午餐后,才登机。里边只有两间餐馆,其中一间是麦当劳,另外一间是卖asian food的。麦当劳那里人山人海,另外一间在相比之下,就显得比较少顾客。KS Wong他们很快就决定在那间餐馆吃,因为找到位子了。我再犹豫了一阵子后,还是决定了麦当劳。。。
登机时间。Air Asia走的是廉宜航空路线,很多在普通航空公司享有的东西,可能在air asia找不到。不过,air asia提供的是全国最便宜的航空机票。从机场到乘坐飞机,顾客必须自行到飞机那里,在自己爬楼梯上去。有点像美国总统乘坐air force one 的感觉。。。虽然必须要经过一段被太阳晒的路段,不过却可以在那里清晰的看到飞机的真身,当然我们不放过拍照片的机会。

注意到空姐们很忙一下。Air Asia在人手方面省了不少钱,所以很多在机上的工作就由那几位空姐一手包办。从一开始的迎接机客,到飞机安全示范,然后销售食物,饮料,纪念品,还要在飞机起飞和降陆前检查乘客有没有系好安全带。。。送走这班顾客后,接下来就是迎接另一班乘客。她们的工作一点都不轻松。
