Sunday, December 30, 2007
Final sem
I still remembered haluansiswa in 12th college...crazy one week, tortured by seniors but i was still getting fun and knew uni best fren until now!! walking in the 12th college "beautiful" and stingy lake then "swimming" on the freezing cold hall floor unforgettable...
haiz...time I am! Final year final sem. That's wat I dreamt of when I was in 1st sem, alwayz wanna become final year student. But now...blah blah blah...that's human nature. never satisfied what we have now, alwayz dream of sth.
Uni life is much exciting than I thought. However, there are so many things that I haven't tried. I sure will fully use my final sem time to try it all. I still haven't thouroughly discover KL...I muz find out all interesting stuff behind KL!!=)
Fresh start tomoro, I hope so. Thesis is waiting for me and there'll b mid term presentation on next thursday. I guess final sem will not b as enjoyable as before.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Home - Chris Daughtry
I didn't really like the way he sang in the beginning of AI, but I'm touched when he sang "Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman"...When I started enjoy his performance, he was shockingly voted off by America.
But soon, he came out with an album. And, this song - Home is my all time favourite. Today, I found this song has gone missing from my song list, so I download it again and listening to it again n again...This song really...Amazing!! The lyrics really meaningful and touching...
Artist: Chris Daughtry
I'm staring out into the night,trying to hide the pain
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain
Well I'm going home,Back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running from
No, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old
So I'm going home
Well I'm going home
The miles are getting longer, it seems,The closer I get to you
I've not always been the best man or friend for you
But your love, it makes true
And I don't know why
You always seem to give me another try
So I'm going home,Back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running from
No, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old
Be careful what you wish for
'Cause you just might get it all
You just might get it all
And then some you don't want
Be careful what you wish for
'Cause you just might get it all
You just might get it all, yeah.
Oh, well I'm going home,Back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running from
No, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old
I said these places and these faces are getting old
So I'm going home.I'm going home.
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Batu Caves + Kepong + Selayang
Secret Recipe Day

Saturday, December 8, 2007
when dream is dream
This post I wanna talk about singing. I like to sing since I were small, but never took part in any singing competition la, jz sing for syok only. For sure, I love singing in ktv, can jump, sing, scream and whatever!!
I have been told by one of my frens that she will take part in audition of Project Superstar season 3 at The Mines this sunday. So, some frens and I went to ktv sing k for practicing with her on wednesday. We sang for 5 hours. And, guess what? I feel like may b I can give a try on this sunday!!
Yesterday, my fren wanna practice again!! So, we went to same KTV once again bcoz the cost there is so low, RM 5++ can sing from 2-7pm. We sing and sing and sing...since there is no so many customer, so we can continue to sing after 7pm. We keep singing n singing ...until 9pm!! That means we sang for 7hours!! (another record achieved, yeah!!)
But, joy sometimes end up with throat starts to aching after that crazy 7-hours singing. I think the main cause is the song I sang...I sang my favourite Eason's song - "Fau Kua" twice yesterday!! I scream like I met Britney, everyone jz stare on me. But the song is so greaaaat, so I jz enjoy singing until the last second of that song. And it paid...Today, my sore throat getting worse and worse.
For tomorrow's audition, most probably I can't go liao. How am I going to sing with the condition like this? I thought this audition is an opportunity for me to try different stuff. I like to try things that is new to me.
But, for this case, may b I should give up. There is alwayz nice to have a dream. And, we should realize that the dream is dream.
Friday, December 7, 2007
wet wet wet

The torturing hot sun still in my head, the rain comes in a sudden when I woke up this morning.
When the unbearably hot sun in the sky, ppl dare not to hanging out bcoz afraid suffered from heat stress. However, in a 24 hours continuous rainy day, ppl hate to go out too!!
haiz...why weather in Malaysia so extreme?
I should be get used to it well alredy, but I guess I'm not. Who do?
Thursday, December 6, 2007
McD-ing @ midnite

Actually McD is a great place to gather and chit chat for long period at midnite compare to mamak. There are several factors to support my point la! First, McD is much more clean place compared to mamak. Second, McD does not have so much smoke around me, the smoke makes me sick. Then, we do not have to care about the weather/raining, there is roof at McD!(of coz...) Last but not least, McD offer unlimited drink refilled service!! What to say? I'm Lovin' it!!!

I know I know…some might say food at McD so much calories and will badly effect our health. However, outside food at everywhere is same la!!
McD seems can provide nice and comfortable place to midnite hang-outers, but it may not suit certain people, like football lovers! I still will go to mamak to watch big football match, even during rainy nite!! The mamak environment make people can shout, jump and do whatever they like when watching football match, nobody cares!! In this case, I'll say “I'm Lovin' it” to mamak stall as well!!hehe!!
Friday, November 30, 2007
到达不久,因为还没到check in的时间,能够做什么呢?当然冲进outdoor theme park玩几轮先!!
但是,因为肚子饿又没有钱买高消费的theme park食物,玩了spinner和海盗船后,我开始感到昏眩了。。。很烂!!不能顶,就拿出我带上山唯一的面包吃了。。。
玩倦了,不知不觉到了午餐时间。大家一窝蜂就冲去第一世界酒店一间已经租好的房间,我们的午餐是。。。从山下带上来的经济炒面,炒饭和味道比较丰富的。。。杯面!! 因为First world那活动空间十分有限的房间根本无法容纳我们17 人,我就去登记,拿多一间房。酒店lobby好像机场那么壮观,因为是学校假期,整个lobby人山人海,够夸!!没有办法,这是全世界最多房间的酒店,也是云顶最廉宜的酒店。
等了2个小时后,才成功登记。显掉!!算是休息完毕后,我们一伙人再次出游。原本想再去theme park玩,外头竟然下起绵绵细雨,误打误撞我们闯进台湾偶像歌手,唐禹哲的签唱会。反正免费入场,加上我们需要避雨的地方,就跑进去看看咯!!
云顶之旅,在毫无计划下举行,也在无声无息下结束。大家很疲惫,可能睡得不好(first world 的房间,很难睡得好),不过相信这依然会成为很不错的回忆。
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

安溪县城建设成效显著,先声、龙湖、尾寮、同美、后安、城西6个小区开发初具规模,城区面积由原来0.8平方公里扩大到现在的6.8平方公里。一个以蓝溪为中轴,西门大桥、龙津大桥、颖如大桥、铭选大桥、凤城索桥、清溪大桥、仙苑大桥、蓝溪大桥、铁路桥等九座座大桥为纽带,连结沿溪两岸10多公里长的防洪大堤的安溪县城,以崭新的面貌和矫健的雄姿,展示出越来越好的投资环境。 安溪是全国著名侨乡。富有开拓创业精神的安溪人民,早在明末,邑民就开始到日本、菲律宾等国谋生。清代,安溪人带着种茶、卖茶特殊技艺和种田、经商等营生本领,到东南亚各国开拓发展。现分布在五大洲20多个国家和地区。旅居海外的安溪籍华侨、华人近80万人,尤以印度尼西亚为多,达22.3万人;次为新加坡和马来西亚,各20万人左右。安溪又是台湾同胞的主要祖籍地。从清初起,更有不少安溪人迁居台湾。安溪人定居台湾后仍保持家乡的风俗民情和宗教信仰,台湾现有的清水祖师寺庙达150多座。不少的宗祠、民居、地名与安溪一样。现在居住台湾的安溪后裔已达200多万人,超过安溪县人口一倍多。广大华侨、台胞在各居住地开拓创业,取得辉煌业绩,涌现出著名侨领林庆年、庄惠泉、刘梧桐、阿丙丁、唐裕、胡金钟;有王永庆、林挺生、许胜发、林梧桐、陈松基、林木荣、李尚大、李陆大、林生枝、钟铭选家族、罗美坚、林秀琼、陈金火家族、林天宝等举世闻名的企业家和财团。他们既为当地经济发展、福建繁荣作出巨大贡献,也为家乡的建设,兴办公益事业做出积极的贡献。在新加坡、安溪本土、马来西亚吉隆坡先后四次如开的世界安溪乡亲联谊大会,对凝聚海内外400万安溪乡亲的力量,加快安溪社会经济发展产生深刻的影响。


Thursday, October 25, 2007
We all are prostitute

“In this world, we all are prostitute!”
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"Guess wat I'm looking at?"
Baby alwayz is the greatest gift for the parents and the world!! They are so innocent and clean...
The world is so cruel now...u can read the news, even the person who is closest to the baby, his parents dare to kill him...Open ur eyes and use ur given mind, we are human, not animal (even animal love their children).
Do not hurt any of children around u!! Protect them and love them!
Baby alwayz giving hope to everyone!! Hope these pictures can cheer up ur day!Smileeeeeeee..=)