Before the voting day, many people has predicted that Barisan National, the ruling party for over 50 years will face some challenges this time but eventually still can easily win with 2/3 majority in Parlimentary seats.
For over 2 weeks before the election day, BN use all medias to promote his party, actually it's monopoly...I felt kinda sick when watching all those advertisement, they still think that people will believe all these craps and will keep voting for them. They have used the same tactic like in the past, raise the racial issues and threatened Chinese community that if chinese people support DAP (the main opposition party) in this election, PM will cut down the numbers of ministers...blah blah blah...
As usual, DAP and other opposition party have many talks and once again attracted many people attending their talk. They don't have any "jamuan" and don't have any artist like Siti. People even have to stand when listening to their talk. What they have is all the truth about Malaysia, what problems do Malaysia facing now.
On the election day, I went to vote with my parents. There was BN supporter trying to change our mind by saying that if we do not support BN, what what what will happen...sick...
At night, all of my family members were so excited about the election results. At about 8pm, some of my frens and my neighbours had told us that Penang has new government!! DAP has won more that half seats in Penang state. What?? I don't believe...then, I receive some calls including my fren who works for a newspaper said that most probably opposition party will take 5 states...BN lost 2/3 majority...surprising....shocking...all the feeling has in me...
Yet, what I get on the TV, broadcated from UMNO central, the big screen showed that BN has won 133 seats while opposition party jz won 33 seats...this is their update at about 2am...pening...they still cannot face the truth.

Results of Parliment and State seats
I believe that our nation will be better developed and could be more competitive with fresh government... My sweet sweet home, Penang is now governed by DAP with PKR. I have really big hope for Penang new government. I'm waiting for a new Penang, a great Penang.
1 comment:
wakaka...penang's people spoke out their hearts dy...cant wait to see how's the next for penang... :P
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